AFC & Google News Lab: Online Training Program for Foreign Journalists


The Association of Foreign Press Correspondents (AFC-USA) n partnership with Google News Lab presents an online training program exclusively for foreign journalists in the U.S./members of the AFC-USA:

Advanced Search: Power tools for search, research, and analysis: During this program, we will learn how to find information faster by learning how to power search on special sites for datasets, images, and court documents. We will also learn how to see what users in our area are searching and how to discover story ideas on Google Trends. We will also explore Explore Backlight, an AI tool for parsing massive amounts of documents.

The training program will be presented by the two experts:

Maggie Farley: Maggie teaches journalists tech tools to help them thrive in the digital age. She was a foreign correspondent for the Los Angeles Times for 14 years based in Asia and then covered the U.N. in New York. She co-created Factitious, a digital game that playfully teaches how to discern factual news from misinformation.  At American University, she was a professional fellow in an engagement design for journalism project, and taught writing.  She is a fan of the Oxford comma, trapeze, and the snacks at Google.

Michael Grant: Michael recently provides journalists with expert in-person training on a range of editorial tools from Google. Prior to Google, Grant was UX design editor at Reveal, from The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR). User experience research (UXR) and design thinking are skills he attributes to his time as a 2018-2019 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University. His 10-month journey at Stanford explored the question, "How might we create the conditions for more journalists of color to produce online storytelling?"

WHEN: Wednesday, June 3rd at 1 pm EDT.


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